Our Mission

RTSE : Right to Science Education

We are a participatory democracy. Often citizens in our country are called upon to make a decision regarding scientific, engineering or environmental projects. They must an intelligent decision. Some of these decisions may well affect their children or even their grandchildren. We issue a clarion call for minimum scientifc literacy. Our country already has an RTE, a Right to Education. Click Here For More…



In an editorial in the Bulletin of the Indian Association of Physics Teachers (August 1998 and September 1999) Prof. Vijay Singh had raised the following question:what constitutes scienti c literacy? Further, given the explosive, exponential growth in scienti c knowledge, is it realistic to expect a general citizen to be scienti cally literate? Can we agree on a minimum body of scienti c knowledge which an average citizen ought to master so that he or she can participate in a meaningful way in a participatory democracy such as ours?Click Here For More…



I have from time to time raised the following question: what constitutes minimal scienti c literacy? How much science is an average citizen expected to know? I propose the following \bits” of information as a necessary part of the \scienti c arsenal”.Click Here For More…